Archive for June, 2013

Archaeology Roadshow 2013 a Success!

Another successful year for the Archaeology Roadshow! This year the Roadshow was hosted on Sunday June 2nd at OMSI. Read more about it:

Willamette Weekly:

The Vanguard:

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Jobs with the Fund for the Public Interest


Summer Jobs available APPLY NOW at

The Fund for the Public Interest is a national non-profit organization that works to build support for progressive organizations across the country. We run campaigns for the Human Rights Campaign, USPIRG, and Environment America. This summer we will be in over 50 cities, working and lobbying to help win environmental and social justice campaigns.

Last summer our staff helped ban off-shore drilling to protect our coasts, repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, and increase food safety standards to make school lunches safer- all while building valuable leadership skills.

For decades, people have used millions of tons of plastic and other trash which have eventually found their way into the Pacific Ocean.  Today there is so much plastic swirling around that the ocean’s currents have formed a toxic soup of plastic trash in an area called the Pacific Garbage Patch.  The Pacific Garbage Patch has tripled in size since it was first discovered in the 1980s, and it’s expected to double again within the next decade.  Plastic and other marine debris kill millions of sea turtles, sea birds and other marine mammals who mistake it for food.  Too much of this garbage comes from items we don’t need to use.  In Oregon, we use more than 1.7 billion single-use plastic bags every year- many of these end up in our oceans.  Nothing we use for a few minutes should be allowed to pollute our oceans for literally hundreds of years. The first step is to stop using plastic bags here in Oregon.

Currently, we have paid positions open on our campaign staff in each of our locations. We require that interested candidates are hard workers and have excellent communication skills.

As a member of our staff, you will fundraise, build membership for our partner groups, and educate and activate citizens on pressing issues. You will also have the opportunity to organize press conferences and build coalitions with other non-profit organizations. While on staff, you gain knowledge of pressing concerns our country is facing, learn how to effectively generate public support, and obtain a firm understanding of the political process.

To apply today, please visit or call (971) 266-2464.

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